[printfriendly] They are great as a snack, easy to make, and packed with a lot of good nutrients. Energy or protein balls are a handy snack to have.

These dainty snacks will give you a definite energy boost for pre your work out or simply for your day-to-day energy boost. They have a satiating combination of protein, good carbs, healthy fats and fibre, as they are made with a combination of dried fruit and nuts or nut butter, meaning they supply a serious amount of good fats, energy and nutrients.

One favourable thing about Energy/ Protein balls is that they are customisable meaning the ingredients are varied. Whether you need a dose of good fats or vitamin boost or protein goodness, you can add as many nutrients and ingredients as you need to each compact ball. For substitutions, you can use maple syrup instead of honey. And since we are using both honey and dates, which are equally sweet, 2 tablespoons of honey can do, depending on the level of sweetness that you prefer. To add more flavour you can add a dash of cinnamon. These energy balls can go up to a week when stored correctly

One favourable thing about Energy/ Protein balls is that they are customisable meaning the ingredients are varied. Whether you need a dose of good fats or vitamin boost or protein goodness, you can add as many nutrients and ingredients as you need in each compact ball.

Below is the recipe enjoy!

Mix all the ingredients together, apart from the mix-ins, until it forms a dough-like mixture.

Divide the mixture into two. On one add the chocolate chips and on the other, desiccated coconut, or leave them plain altogether.

Scoop 1 tablespoon of the mixture and form round balls. Makes at least 10 energy balls Refrigerate for 30 minutes to set.


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